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virginia wedding photographer


Celebrating the Lovings

Family, Love, Personal

the blog:

**Special offer at the bottom you don’t want to miss!!!**

This week marks 56 years since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Mildred and Richard Loving’s fight to make interracial marriage legal in the U.S. Only five and a half decades ago, it was illegal in Virginia and fifteen other states for me and Adetola to be married!

(These two photos by Dani White Photography)

Mildred (black) and Richard (white) met growing up in Virginia and were married in 1958 in Washington, D.C., but were arrested two weeks later upon moving back to their hometown in Virginia where it was illegal for interracial couples to be married. After pleading guilty and moving back to Washington D.C., they took legal steps towards eradicating the laws responsible for keeping them and any other couples in their shoes from the right to wed. On June 12, 1967, the Supreme Court finally ruled in the Lovings’ favor and mixed couples throughout America since that day have been legally able to marry in all states. The official Loving Day holiday was created in 2004, initiated by American Ken Tanabe, whose father is Japanese and mother is Belgian. His efforts to highlight the Lovings’ fight gives a beautiful, sobering remembrance for multicultural couples to continue being celebrated today.

As a woman in a biracial marriage, nothing makes me happier than when I get to capture other mixed couples and families with my camera.

Sarah & Bowie were the sweetest and made the blossoms around Brown’s Island here in Richmond, Virginia, look amazing!

Tommie, Carly, and Isaac are good friends in NoVa, and the biracial beauties they create are somethin else! Baby #2 recently arrived and I can’t wait to get him in front of my camera!

Caleb & Elsa’s story still gives me chills!

The Lewises showcased more Richmond love with their beautiful mixed crew…

And my own brother and his fiancĂ© gallivanted around Shockhoe Bottom here in Richmond, showing how beautiful Spanish, Norwegian, Irish, and Filipino families are when brought together….

How amazing that the Lovings’ fight 50+ years ago makes it possible for all these beautiful people to legally be together in Virginia today! That doesn’t mean our relationships don’t have other challenges and criticism in various circles, but we get to continue showing this country how beautifully God intended to bring TOGETHER all tribes, tongues, and nations.

Because I want to celebrate this more, now through WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21st, if you are a mixed couple/family you can book a 30-minute session with me for $150! I normally charge almost double that for this type of session, but I want to highlight the fight of the Lovings and honor their hard, emotional, laborious efforts to make it possible for us of different ethnicities to be legally allowed to wed in this country. So share this deal and book with me before next week! (You can schedule your session for any time this year, but just need to book the session before 06/21/2023.)

Happy Loving Day 2023!

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