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virginia wedding photographer


Throwback Thursday: Billy & Renee

Love, Throwback Thursdays, Weddings

the blog:

Sorry I’ve been such a slacker in blogging this week! It’s been a long, full week and I’m so excited for the weekend. More free time to figure out my new iPhone, actually do my homework readings, cover some photography events for CNU, and watch the Superbowl with friends?? Yes please.

This week’s Throwback Thursday is from anotherwedding that I shot last fall but was unable to post due to blog complications. The darling couple is Billy and Renee Herbert. Billy was my brother David’s closest friend at West Point (USMA) and our family pretty much adopted him as a son and brother.Renee and Billy met through David when Dave and a group of his friends (church friends from home + Army buds on leave) went to NYC to watch 2011 become 2012. Renee was one of the said church friends, and let’s just say… Billy was one determined guy. Despite Christmas leave ending and his going back to Germany where he was posted, Billy chased after this little lady. Hours of phone calls, the finishing of his post in Germany, a move to Virginia, and not-so-many months later, our little Billy put a ring on it.

When Renee asked me to shoot their September wedding, I was thrilllllllllled. I hadn’t known Renee all that well before Billy started going after her, but the more we talked and the more I saw them together (Billy got posted to Arlington, Va, with the Old Guard when he finished up with Germany in the spring of 2012), the more I grew excited about his perfect choice of a wife.

I love you two very very VERY much, and I hope I’m around when little Herbert babies start popping out so I can take photos of them too. 😉 Enjoy some shots from your special day!

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Back to Renee….HerbertWedding_43 HerbertWedding_49 HerbertWedding_53Ceremony time! Here she comes…

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Billy’s Mom, Eda, and his nephew, Daniel…. precious!
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Love you guys! xoxo

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